What do you think the future of the New England North West will look like, or more importantly, what would you like it to look like?
How can you, as an artist, share that vision through creativity?
Arts North West is pleased to be able to provide our regional artists working in every genre, a chance to represent our region in a 2-year transformative statewide project, managed by the NSW Regional Arts Network and funded by Create NSW, with built-in professional development.
Artists may submit individual EOIs, or work collaboratively across genres.
In the process of developing your project concept, you are encouraged to reach out beyond the arts industry to environmental and community groups, scientists and researchers, First Nations community and Elders, schools, farmers, and businesses which represent our region. and In the first year, you will develop your project. In year two, you will share your project in the Western Sydney Artist Exchange through presentation and exhibition.
For all the information about the project timelines, and EOI process: artsnw.com.au/regional-futures-program