Cultural Mapping and Cultural Planning
CAMRA (Cultural Asset Mapping in Regional Australia) is a major Australian Research Council and industry funded project running from 2008 to 2013 as a partnership between seventeen organisations, including four universities.
The book, entitled 'All Culture is Local: good practice in regional cultural mapping and planning from local government' includes 17 case studies on cultural mapping and planning for regional development. The case studies were written as a good practice toolkit, with the aim of making ideas and processes transferable for any regional local government with the resource implications made clear.
Public Art Policy
Arts North West is an advocate and support agency for creative practice in the New England North West. As such we have worked with our LGA members and community stakeholders on a range of public art and related projects. Due to an increased demand for clarification of public art policy and procedures from our twelve LGA members in the New England North West, Arts North West has created the Making It Your Own Public Art Policy and Planning Template and accompanying notes.
A one-stop shop of handy resources for musicians including regional guides, downloads
and a music industry directory.
Top 10 Tips For Running Accessible Online Events
With so many arts and cultural organisations providing online programs and services during the COVID crisis, accessibility has never been more important. Here are some hot tips to help you make your digital content and online event more accessible and inclusive.
DIY Access Guide
This guide is a collection of ‘top tip’ lists and easy to follow ‘gig hacks’ to help any band, artist or promoter link up with a venue to make a gig as accessible as possible, even if a stage is up or down a flight of stairs.
Inclusive and accessible event guidelines
Key access and inclusion considerations for events at NSW venues and outdoor spaces.
Image: NERAM Shop. Image by Nicci Parry-Jones.