Debut market showcases First Nations artists

With less than two weeks to go until the debut live Arts North West Gather & Trade Aboriginal Artisans Market, organiser and 2 Rivers Pty Ltd managing director Lorrayne Fishenden is thrilled the event is about to launch. She said the line-up of artists will be exceptional, despite set-backs and COVID delays which have affected so many arts events.

“We’re confident that the market will be a greater success then we originally anticipated,” Lorrayne said.

“We are really excited to have this platform to showcase the talent, passion and skills of our First Nations artists, especially during the 50th Tamworth Country Music Festival. This means we will have some amazing exposure we hope will increase economic outcomes for artists who have been heavily affected by the pandemic, through the sale of their work.”

The markets on Saturday, 23 April, from 9am-2pm will be staged alongside First Nations performing artists with live music and workshops beside the White Street carpark at Kable Avenue, Tamworth.

Lorrayne said there are 10 stalls, and a total of 23 artists are registered for the event, and nine performing artists will take the stage.

“From weaving to resin, paintings to jewellery, handmade stockwhips to children’s books, the market is a great opportunity for community and visitors to town to buy authentic Aboriginal arts and crafts from First Nations creatives from the region who are showcasing and selling their products and to a wide audience,” Lorrayne said.

“For example, for young emerging artist Georgia Byrnes, it’s her first time selling her works at a markets. At just 19 years-of-age, she has been working through the Arts North West Aboriginal Artist Intensive Mentoring program for the last 6 months, and this has given her the confidence to join more experienced artists like Glen Innes-based Avril Chapman, and the Moree Mehi Gallery who will have five artists attend.”

Arts North West executive director Caroline Downer was elated the market had been designed to support and highlight local creative and cultural talents.

“Tamworth is a real regional hub in the New England North West and is the perfect location to shine a light on the myriad of Aboriginal arts and cultural enterprises, making and creating in the New England North West region,” she said.

“Plus, the talent scheduled for our Gather & Trade Market stage is exceptional. It’s especially exciting to have this event happening during the TCMF final weekend and Community Saturday in the Park. It means these artisans and performing artists will have a big introduction to a big audience.”

Gather and Trade is supported through the Australian Government’s Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support program.


Lorrayne Fishenden:, 0467 668 977

Caroline Downer:, 0428 042 622

Michèle Jedlicka:, 6732 4988, 04387 010 131