When to use the Arts North West logo

Organisations that have received funding through Arts North West are required to acknowledge the assistance & support received from Arts North West (ANW). The ANW logo should be included in all programs, publications, promotional media, and other printed or electronic material undertaken in relation to the funded activities, or any projects or activities developed as a result of the services Arts North West provides, along with textual acknowledgement of the nature of the assistance or support as appropriate.

If you need clarification on the appropriate acknowledgement and use of the Arts North West logo, please contact the Arts North West office on 02 6732 4988 or by email at office@artsnw.com.au

How to use the Arts North West logo

  • Logo should be no less than 1.3cm

  • A background used with logo should have a border no less than 0.5cm from the logo edge

  • Standard logo (black text, red star) should be used by default. Alternative colourways can be used with background colours when necessary:

    • Dark background: reverse logo (white text with red star)

    • Coloured background: alternative logo (black text with white star)

Arts North West logo with black text and red star

Standard logo - black text, red star; for use on white or light background


Alternative logo (example of use) - black text, white star; for use on coloured background


Reverse logo (example of use) - white text, red star; for use on dark background


Brand Colours

  • Deep Red (CMYK 20,100,80,0 / RGB 201,36,63 / HEX #c92440)

  • Black (CMYK 0,0,0,100)

ANW Associated Project Branding

All project branding must include the Arts North West logo. Where possible, the logo should be in full colour and include associated funding acknowledgements that may include Country Arts Support Program (CASP) and Regional Arts Funding (RAF) logos.

Arts North West logo surrounded by circular graphics with "On Tour" text

Arts North West On Tour logo


Arts North West Connect logo

Enable Arts in black text with red star

Enable Arts logo