The Tamworth Country Music Festival (TCMF) draws Aboriginal visitors and performers, and Country Music enthusiasts from all over Australia, and is a major nurturing ground for musical and artistic talent.
The Aboriginal Cultural Showcase is a community based event run as part of the TCMF which is designed to provide Aboriginal people from all over Australia with the opportunity to perform and develop their skills as part of this great event. The Showcase has the specific goal of providing new and emerging talents with exposure and skills development opportunities. In order to achieve this we put on a flexible program of shows to include everyone from first time walk-ups to experienced artists.
In addition to our music program that includes a range of performance, walk-up and mentoring opportunities, the Aboriginal Cultural Showcase has a developing cultural workshop program which has proved very popular with visitors. To date we have featured didge playing, dance and weaving and we are looking for cultural practitioners with a range of other skills who can get audiences involved and learning about the richness of Aboriginal culture as part of our event.
How to get involved
Contact us and let us know a bit about yourself and how you would like to be involved. We are interested in hearing from Aboriginal musicians and performers of all levels of talent and experience, and cultural practitioners who would like to perform, run a market stall, or run workshops and events.
Find out more Lorrayne Riggs - Arts North West - 0467 668977 or email