NENW Aboriginal Arts Steering Committee
Arts North West supports the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities to celebrate and practise their cultures and to fulfil creative and cultural aspirations.
Furthermore, we recognise and respect that Aboriginal people have a right to self-determination particularly in respect to cultural matters. This includes making decisions about preserving and sharing their traditional and contemporary cultural knowledge and practices.
Arts North West, through the Aboriginal Cultural Support Program provides dedicated, cohesive, and regionally-based support for Aboriginal arts and cultural development in the New England North West (NENW) which will allow our community greater access to opportunities to strengthen culture through arts practice, projects and career development.
The NENW Aboriginal Arts Steering Committee will support Arts North West with cultural guidance and decision-making, strategic planning, advice and feedback and will be developing respectful and sustainable relationships based on trust and respect for our cultural values and our histories.
The NENW Aboriginal Arts Steering Committee will comprise two Aboriginal volunteer representatives from each of the contributing LGAs in our region.
For more information please contact Lauren Mackley on 0493 316 463 or via