

resources 2018


Grant Writing Basics Handbook

Part 1: Planning and Research

The Funding Body:

Here are some of the best links for funding programs

NSW Government:

Federal Government:


The Questions

The Questions PDF

The Questions Word

You might find this template useful to look at your SMART OBJECTIVES:

Smart Objectives PDF

Smart Objectives Word

Part 2: Writing Tips

A chronological checklist for who does what.

Project Plan Timeline Template PDF

Project Plan Timeline Template Excel

 Support Material

 Working with Aboriginal Communities:

Part 3: The Project Budget

The Resources
To start thinking about your budget, you need to brainstorm some of your expenses.

·       Resource Brainstorming PDF

·       Resource Brainstorming Word

The Budget
The pdf can be printed out as a simple worksheet.  The excel document has a number of built in calculations:

·       Budget PDF

·       Budget Excel

Calculating artist fees:

Visual artist fees – NAVA website

Writers fees- ASA rates

Musicians Union

Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance Contractors/employees are available through Fair Work

Superannuation details available from the Australian Taxation Office.

Calculating accommodation/per diems

TD 2016/13

for 2016/2017:

General budgeting tips:

·       MoneySmart: An initiative of ASIC offering tips & tools to help you make the most of your money.

·       Centrelink Financial Information Service: includes seminars, fact sheets and budget planners.

·       Government Business Entry Point: Managing Your Finances

·       MEAA: Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance

·       Budgeting & Bookkeeping for Creative People: A guide to accounting for music, arts and entertainment businesses.  Designed as both an introductory guide and a practical, week-by-week workbook, this book will assist students, educators and practitioners in the music, entertainment and arts industries to build their financial literacy. 

·       A bit American but goes into detail on budgeting, not specific to projects.

·       A few blogs: and