

The Basics
A template to use as the basis of your event – has all the key information in the one spot:

The Scope
The next step is to drill down a bit further – look at the why, what, wow, who:

You might find this template useful to look at your SMART OBJECTIVES:

The Promotion
Our first step is to do a simple marketing summary:

Now you do a more detailed chronological plan:

Promotion resources
Arts North West has compiled a number of marketing and promotions resources to assist museums, community galleries, artists and art workers, arts and craft venues and anyone organising arts and cultural events.  Click here


The Resources
To start thinking about your budget, you need to brainstorm some of your expenses.

The Budget
The pdf can be printed out as a simple worksheet.  The excel document has a number of built in calculations:

Calculating artist fees:

Calculating accommodation/per diems:

Tax determination for 2016/2017

General budgeting tips:


Risk Assessments
Help sheets and checklists are designed to help you introduce and improve risk management processes in your not-for-profit organisation so you can provide a safe environment for your staff, members, contractors, visitors and volunteers.

The Arts Insurance Handbook: A Practical Guide for Artists and Arts Organisations (Arts Law Centre of Australia)

These two checklists are for arts-based activities and are a start to thinking about risk assessment.

Defining Responsibilities
This is a checklist which can be organised chronologically, or under headings/type of activity.

Live Music Office has put together resources and advice to suit music in all types of venues – for artists and venues with tips for media promotion and ticketing.  There are lots of templates to download and handy examples of key documents.

Time management for Creative People – Mark McGuinness. About getting organised, creating priorities, “ring-fencing” your creative time and freeing yourself of the endless to-do list. 

Here are some simple templates for artists agreements or MOUs:

And finally here are some templates for feedback forms – it is so important to work out what can be improved on for next time!