Expressions of Interest Disability Awareness Training and Disability Action Plan Workshops

Tamworth Regional Art Gallery
23 October, 10 – 3pm

As part of Heading West, a partnership between Accessible Arts NSW and Arts North West, a Disability Awareness Training and Disability Action Plan Workshop will be held at the Tamworth Regional Gallery in October.

Disability Awareness training is useful for people working at any level of an arts organisation, or in arts policy or practice.  It provides a practical understanding of disability in an arts context with information and skills relevant to all venues and types of work including festivals and public events.

Developing a Disability Action Plan is a way of reviewing the current practices of the organisation and implementing positive changes to ensure that your services, premises and facilities are accessible, and avoid unintentional discrimination against people with disability.

At this stage, we are seeking EOI’s for the workshops that will cost $80 per person to attend. Please send your RSVP’s to  and further information will follow next week.