Arts North West Covid-19 Update

Hello all,

I’m sure you are all being inundated with information about Covid-19 (Coronavirus) and its impact on our sector. 

It has been a particularly difficult time – from drought to bushfire and now to a global pandemic. All of these have had a huge effect on our creative industries.
Event Cancellation
While the current requirement is to cancel all events that have an audience of 500 and above, many of our venues and organisations may not reach that audience figure but are still understandably anxious. Resourcing and growing community anxiety will also affect ticket sales and we recognise that organisations and individuals will need to take this into consideration in their planning.
If you are in a position to not require a refund for an event, festival, workshop or class that may be cancelled or postponed due to Covid-19 then please consider the ticket you purchased as a donation to the artist, organisation or community. Check out this article from Cut Common Magazine

Regional Arts Australia has also been working with national organisations and Ministers to facilitate a coordinated impact assessment and industry response. A number of surveys have been developed so that a clear picture can be formed as to the impact of Covid-19 on our sector. Please help the advocacy work by filling these out – PAC Australia survey or the National Association of Visual Artists survey. You are also able to submit information to the #Ilostmygig database.
Health and Wellbeing
We are not in a position to provide health advice.  Common sense reminds us to wash our hands, cough into elbows and stay at home if we are unwell.  Please be guided by the following sites that are updated daily:

Australian Government Department of Health

NSW Department of Health

Having said that, hand washing is obviously a crucial requirement.  But… really… handwashing to “Happy Birthday” twice, seems a little prosaic.  Send in your best version of a funky tune/song/poem/ and we will put it up on our social media… let’s keep our creative juices flowing!  (Have a look at TwoSetViolin’s ideas!) Email to
We are also very aware of the wellbeing of our communities.  With events cancelled, and social distancing in place, we hope that we can still look after each other as best we can. An arts-focused wellbeing helpline is available at Support Act

Some more practical information here: 
policy that could be implemented for your workplace from the Institute of Community Directors.
World Health Organisation - Getting your workplace ready
Further info from the World Health Organisation
COVID-19 Arts Organisations’ Plans from Theatre Network Australia
Resources from The Australia Council for the Arts

Stay safe and well, look after each other and support family, friends and our wonderful creative community.  Let’s work together.

Board and Staff of Arts North West