Yesterday Today Tomorrow

Yesterday Today Tomorrow draws its inspiration from Kamilaroi country, from the traditional songs and stories surrounding three significant Aboriginal cultural sites in the New England North West: - Kwiambal National Park, Warrabah National Park and Mehi River. An exhibition of works by emerging Aboriginal artists, accompanied by short documentary videos.

Elders: Noeline Briggs-Smith, Liza Duncan and Len Waters
Artists: Vicky Duncan, Brent Emerson, Paris Knox, Quarralia Knox, Elizabeth Munro, Paul Spearim.
Videographer: Tim Leha
Project Management: 2 Rivers


Supported through the Australian Government's Indigenous Languages and Arts program


Yesterday Today Tomorrow, an Arts North West initiated project, draws its inspiration from Kamilaroi country, from the traditional songs and stories surrounding the significant Aboriginal Cultural Sites in the New England North West.

Arts North West Aboriginal Arts service delivery is funded by the Federal Government’s Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support Program

Arts North West Aboriginal Arts service delivery is funded by the Federal Government’s Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support Program