Marketing and Promotions
Arts North West has compiled the following marketing and promotions resources to assist museums, community galleries, artists and art workers, arts and craft venues and anyone organising arts and cultural events.
How to Write a Media Release (PDF, 399KB)
Media Release Template (PDF, 132KB)
Poster and Flyer Design Tips Helpsheet (PDF, 253KB)
Effective Promotion Cheat Sheet (PDF, 179KB)
130 Tips to Kickstart your Marketing
Created by Monica Davidson of Freelance Success (PDF, 163KB)
Social Media Success Kit
Copyright Issues: Using Images for Promoting Events (PDF, 171KB)
How to Take a Good Photo of your Work (PDF, 701KB)
Live Music Office
The Live Music Office works to increase opportunities for live music in Australia by identifying and advocating for better policy, regulation and strategy. The Live Music Office is an initiative of its funding partners – APRA AMCOS, the Federal Government and the Australia Council.
The Australian Copyright Council provides free information sheets available to download from their website
Image: In the Museum Project, Tenterfield. Photo by Michèle Jedlicka.